Our fellowship started in October 2004 as a Prayer group with four families. Later as more people started attending, the meeting venue was shifted to a Church hall. Now, we have regular Sunday worship in Malayalam held at ,VICTORY CENTRE,154-156 Portswood road,SO17 2NH, Southampton. As a fellowship, we want to constantly grow in our relationship with Christ.
We are trying to follow the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, and showing the Love of God to each other as we believe that the real mark of the disciples of Jesus Christ is their love for one another (John 17:21).
We want to be participants in the transforming work of Christ. His love has rescued us and we want others also to be touched by this love. We want to reach out to our friends and neighbours who are searching for the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Experience His Glory !!! Enter His Presence !!! Receive His Love !!!